
Please see the draft programme below

Day 1

Molecular Biology for Climate Solutions 1 - Reducing biogenic emissions
- Chris Greening, Monash University
- Sofia Khanum, AgResearch
- Stefan Muetzel, AgResearch
- Phil Pope, Queensland University of Technology
- Marissa Roldan, AgResearch

Molecular Biology for Climate Solutions 2 - Climate-smart breeding
- Lorna McNaughton, Livestock Improvement Corporation
- Suzanne Rowe, AgResearch
- Jane Symonds, Cawthron Institute
- Andrew Allan, Plant and Food Research (PFR)

Infectious diseases: new drugs and vaccines
- Tianyu Zhang, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Hamish Sutherland, University of Auckland
- Nikki Moreland, University of Auckland
- Luke Guddat, University of Queensland

Day 2

Redox biology and therapeutics
- Mark Hampton, University of Otago
- Paul Witting, University of Sydney
- Matthew McNeil, University of Otago

Innovative Approaches in Molecular & Health Sciences
- Fei Sun, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences
- John Fisher, University of Maryland
- Archa Fox, University of Western Australia

Lab on Chip
- Jan Powell, The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)
- Renwick Dobson, University of Canterbury
- Alistair Stewart, University of Melbourne
- Volker Nock, University of Canterbury

Key Dates:
1 May 2015
Early Bird Registration Open
1 Aug 2015
Registration Close
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