Social Functions
Tickets to all of the below social functions will be available for purchase or registration on the conference registration page once live.
Mihi Whakatau
Tuesday 2 September, 7.30am-8.00am, Conway C5
Registration required. No fee
AWCBR Conference Dinner
Monday 1 September, Deliliah Restaurant and 7.00pm
Delegate or accompanying guest tickets: $TBC
Student tickets: $TBC
Ticket price includes dinner, drinks, and DJ.
QRW Plenary Lecture
Wednesday 3 September, Auditorium, Te Pae, 5.30pm-7.40pm
Registration required. No fee
Please see the QRW 2025 Plenary Lecture page for more information
AWCBR Student Dinner
Tuesday 2 September, Location and Time TBC
Tickets: $TBC
QRW Conference Dinner
Thursday 4 September, Waitaki Room, Te Pae, 7.00pm
Delegate or Accompanying guest tickets: $170
Student tickets: $120
Ticket price includes a set menu, drinks and entertainment
Ticket numbers are limited.