Pathogen Genomics Satellite
4-5 September 2024
Rydges Hotel, Queenstown, New Zealand
Convenors: Prof Jemma Geoghegan & Dr Leah Smith, University of Otago, and Dr David Winter, ESR
The Pathogen Genomics Satellite at Queenstown Research Week will highlight recent advances in genomics research on human, animal and environmental pathogens, as well more general research on microbial and viral genetics/genomics. This satellite will be of interest to those utilising genomics techniques for both fundamental and applied purposes, and will include a broad range of topics such as:
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Environmental pathogens
- Microbial ecology
- Sequencing and data science
- Surveillance and public health
There is a fantastic line up of international speakers, including:
- Michelle Wille (University of Melbourne)
- Amy Jennison (Queensland Health)
- Stacy Lynch (CSIRO)
We also have great national speakers from various universities and institutions including:
- The Ministry of Health
- The Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)
- Awanui Labs
We are pleased to offer ten $500 Travel Awards to support Students and Early Career Researchers, as well as talk and poster prizes. We hope to see a broad range of topics covered at the meeting, so if your work uses genomic tools and data to study pathogens please submit an abstract now and we look forward to seeing you in Queenstown!